The lightness, precision and strength of aeroplane-graded aluminium honeycomb panels inspired this Aluminium Table System. This specific technology matured in Japan after years of development, and today, it can anodise the entire tabletop after machining. It brings a rich shine to the table tops. And since the panel works as a reinforcing structure and is easily per-machined for screw assemblies, it was inevitable to think of developing a simple flat packing DIY table system. As a result, we developed a family of tables that utilised the same tabletop and the exact screw details. The idea behind the system is to add new designs for the legs as needed.
ATS, By interiors, 2019
The lightness, precision and strength of aeroplane-graded aluminium honeycomb panels inspired this Aluminium Table System. This specific technology matured in Japan after years of development, and today, it can anodise the entire tabletop after machining. It brings a rich shine to the table tops. And since the panel works as a reinforcing structure and is easily per-machined for screw assemblies, it was inevitable to think of developing a simple flat packing DIY table system. As a result, we developed a family of tables that utilised the same tabletop and the exact screw details. The idea behind the system is to add new designs for the legs as needed.
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